Platforma members express interest in applying and enlarging the UCLG Learning Community during the steering committee in Brussels and in the “Training of Trainers” session on global agenda.
During the meeting of the Platforma Autumn Steering Committee, which took place in Brussels from 16 -18 of September, Platforma members had the opportunity to review the results of their activities and engage with the European Commission and other technicians, as well as share ideas for future outreach for the years to come. UCLG was represented by the director of Learning, Sara Hoeflich.
The first day provided Insights on the opportunities for programmes on decentralized cooperation for Local Authorities and, in particular, the outline for the evaluation of the former programme lines for CSO- LA , as well as selection of 16 proposals of the Local Authorities: Partnerships for sustainable cities programme.
The second day was dedicated to networking, as well as brainstorming on strategies. In a lively discussion moderated by Javier Sanchez form the Catalonian region and Sara Hoeflich, members of Platforma highlighted the need for alignment of the SDGs and emphasized the importance of decentralized cooperation to achieve the global goals. The 4th SDG learning module will be focusing on this topic, building on an overview on modalities currently developed within the UCLG CIB Working Group and the region of Catalonia.
The third day was a training session facilitated by UCLG and Platforma, providing insights and advice for the use of the SDG Toolkit modules, emphasizing on module 3, on Reporting, to deepen the knowledge around strategies of reporting and advocacy. The Secretary general of the Italian association, the provincial council of Barcelona and many other members are already applying the Learning modules on localizing the SDG, and highlighted the playfulness of the UCLG learning material as particularly encouraging. Further, inspiring experiences in cooperation were brought up , such as Funds of solidarity in the different Spanish regions.
The course included new exercises of storytelling and was closed with proposals for a training agenda of the participants: Mallorca, Italy, the regions of Extremadura, Catalonia, and the Basque country, as well as Latvia, agreed to carry out Learning activities in the near future.
- Visit Flickr to see more 17-18th of September
- Visit Flickr to see more 16-17th of September