Bulletin Septembre 2014
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Principales nouvelles

CGLU et la ville de Chefchaouen organiseront un échange d’apprentissage en Afrique du Nord du 24 au 27 septembre sur les questions du développement économique local (DEL) et du travail décent dans les économies culturelles des villes intermédiaires.

Le processus d’élaboration du nouvel Agenda 21 de la culture a été lancé en 2013 par la Commission Culture de CGLU à Lille-Métropole, Buenos Aires et Rabat, et se poursuivra en 2014 avec des réunions et des séminaires.

Le Conseil Mondial 2014 se tiendra à Haikou à l’aimable invitation de M. le Maire Ni Qiang, conjointement avec le Prix de Guangzhou. Les réunions statutaires, y compris le Bureau Exécutif et le Conseil Mondial, se tiendront du 24 au 26 novembre à Haikou. Le programme comprend également des événements d’apprentissage en lien avec la seconde édition du Prix International pour l’Innovation Urbaine de Guangzhou.
Sections et membres de cglu

Over 4,000 people have already participated in the consultation on ‘Localizing the Post-2015 Agenda’, since its launch in May 2014. The consultation, co-led by the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments, UN-Habitat and UNDP, aims to identify lessons learned from the MDGs and current best practices related to how to implement the new Sustainable Development Goals at local level.

In Argentina, like in many countries in Latin America, medium-sized cities have suffered sustained demographic growth accompanied by disorganized processes of urbanization. The Government of the Province of Santa Fe took this as a challenge. As part of its Provincial Strategic Plan.

Between last July 28 and 30, a delegation composed of political representatives and technicians of the eTthekwini Municipality, as well as of representatives from the academia and civil society of Durban, visited the Housing Secretariat of the City of São Paulo (SEHAB).

The 2nd Guangzhou International Award for Urban Innovation (hereinafter referred to as “Guangzhou Award”), the 2014 China International Friendship Cities Conference and the 2nd Guangzhou International Urban Innovation Conference are scheduled.

UCLG-MEWA and Cités Unies France (CUF) will organize a side event meeting for Franco-Turkish decentralized cooperation on the UCLG-MEWA premises within the framework of the Vivapolis Symposium, to be held in Istanbul on 23-24 September 2014. This symposium aims to present expertise in sustainable cities. The meeting is organized by UBIFRANCE.

In one of many initiatives of the AL-LAS Project to encourage decentralised international cooperation, notably between Latin American and European cities, a technical visit proved a positve step forward for several local government representatives in ensuring cooperation between their cities. Representatives of Latin American cities of Mexico City.

Al-Darb al-Ahmar est un district historique du Caire et ses 100 000 habitants sont parmi les plus pauvres de la ville. On y trouve une riche concentration de monuments islamiques, mais le quartier manque aussi cruellement de services et d’infrastructures appropriées, comme l’a révélé une étude préliminaire réalisée en 2003

The international seminar on "Urban policies in cities of Mozambique" was held in the University Lúrio FAPF (Faculty of Architecture and planning) in Nampula, Mozambique, from 11 to 14 August, 2014. Around 80 municipal technicians, local governments and academia representatives, gathered on this occasion.

UCLG and its members are advocating for Sustainable Development Goals that take local and regional priorities into account, in particular in the light of rapid urbanization faced in many regions of the world. The Campaign for an Urban SDG was launched because the dynamism of cities represents a major sustainable development opportunity and a dedicated and stand-alone urban SDG is essential.
September 15, 2014
September 17, 2014
September 17, 2014
September 23, 2014
September 24, 2014
September 24, 2014
September 29, 2014
September 29, 2014
October 01, 2014