By Mathias Hariyadi, Media & Communication Manager of UCLG-ASPAC.
The year 1992 can be said as “the golden year” for Barcelona, the capital city of the province of Catalonia, Spain. In 1992, Barcelona has become the first destination for people around the world especially for world class athletes. In that year, Barcelona was appointed as a host for the world Olympic.
In this headquarter of Barca FC Barcelona, Indonesia Badminton player Susi Susanti won the World Champion for Female Single category and brought home gold medal. To complete this happiness, a male badminton player from Indonesia, Alan Budikusuma also won the Male Single category and brought as well a gold medal.
Recently on 9-13 February 2015, Barcelona hosted a big international event, “1st Retreat for UCLG Secretariats, Committees and Key Partners”. Supporting the 1000 Year of Actions and 10 Years of Unity according to the existence of UCLG, this event with label “retreat” means to synergize all the activities from all UCLG region in order to realize their individual programs.
“Our wish is of course to realize and synergize all the framework in forms feasible programs in larger scale both regional and global” said Josep Roig, UCLG’s Secretary General Barcelona.
UCLG (United Cities and Local Governments) is worldwide association of local government organizations and the only government organizations recognized by the United Nations to be the united voice and world advocate of democratic local self-government, promoting its values, objectives and interests, through cooperation between local governments and within the wider international community.
UCLG has officially acknowledge by United Nations as official voice to represent united of local governments. From the 9 regions of UCLG, Asia Pacific is the biggest section at UCLG with linkages to more than 7.000 local governments and incorporates economically fast developing countries such as China, India and Indonesia.
And for the 1st Retreat for UCLG Secretariats, Commitees and Key Partners on February 9-13, Dr. Bernadia Irawati Tjandradewi ,UCLG ASPAC’s Secretary General along together with her Strategic Services Manager Atik Kumala Dewi attended the event.